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What Is the Word for Bringing Someone Back to Life

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verb (used with object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.

to activate, set in motion, or take up again; renew: to revive old feuds.

to restore to life or consciousness: We revived him with artificial respiration.

to put on or show (an old play or motion picture) again.

to make operative or valid again.

to bring back into notice, use, or currency: to revive a subject of discussion.

to quicken or renew in the mind; bring back: to revive memories.

to reanimate or cheer (the spirit, heart, etc., or a person).

Chemistry. to restore or reduce to the natural or uncombined state, as a metal.

verb (used without object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.

to return to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, or a flourishing condition.

to recover from financial depression.

to be quickened, restored, or renewed, as hope, confidence, suspicions, or memories.

to return to notice, use, or currency, as a subject, practice, or doctrine.

to become operative or valid again.

Chemistry. to recover the natural or uncombined state, as a metal.



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Origin of revive

1375–1425; late Middle English reviven<Latin revīvere to live again, equivalent to re-re- + vīvere to live, be alive; cf. vital


re·viv·a·ble, adjective re·viv·a·bil·i·ty, noun re·viv·a·bly, adverb re·viv·er, noun

re·viv·ing·ly, adverb un·re·viv·a·ble, adjective un·re·vived, adjective

Words nearby revive

revitalize, revival, revivalism, revivalist, Revival of Learning, revive, revivification, revivify, reviviscence, revivor, revocable Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021

How to use revive in a sentence

  • The vivid footage of the assault on the Capitol revived "horrible memories," Daines said later.

  • Another rare earths company may soon be going public in the US, presenting new opportunities for private investment in the domestic critical metals industry—a sector that Washington has signaled strong interest in reviving.

  • EA Sports announced Tuesday that it is reviving its college football video game series, a beloved franchise that was discontinued in 2013 after EA and the NCAA were taken to court over the unpaid use of player likenesses.

  • Experts hope this will revive ecosystems and safeguard the diversity of Earth's species.

  • Axios went as far as to name "reviving local journalism" as one of the 10 promises to readers that CEO Jim VandeHei made earlier this month in the company's new Bill of Rights.

  • Scholar-activists Larry Lessig and Zephyr Teachout have recently been working to revive it.

  • Mamoon and his second wife, Liana, hope it will revive his reputation, and "prompt the reissuing of his books in forty languages."

  • A great chef who has fought to revive the old spirit says he fears history may repeat itself.

  • My friends, hurting from a night of rum-infused revelry, opt for Revive.

  • I ordered Revive and now I am about to close my second deal today!

  • HE ordered a lunch which he thought the girl would like, with wine to revive the faculties that he knew must be failing.

  • First Impressions are usually vivid but the power to revive them is weak—a poor memory.

  • First Impressions are usually weak but the power to revive them is strong—still a poor memory.

  • First Impressions on all subjects are strong and the power to revive them is strong—a first-class memory.

  • Thus the facts help us devise the number phrase, and the phrase helps revive the facts.

British Dictionary definitions for revive


to bring or be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; resuscitate or be resuscitated revived by a drop of whisky

to give or assume new vitality; flourish again or cause to flourish again

to make or become operative or active again the youth movement was revived

to bring or come into use or currency again to revive a language

(tr) to take up again he revived his old hobby

to bring or come back to mind

(tr) theatre to mount a new production of (an old play)

Derived forms of revive

revivable, adjective revivability, noun revivably, adverb reviver, noun

reviving, adjective revivingly, adverb

Word Origin for revive

C15: from Old French revivre to live again, from Latin revīvere, from re- + vīvere to live; see vivid

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for revive


To bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate.

To regain health, vigor, or good spirits.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

What Is the Word for Bringing Someone Back to Life
