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What Is Another Word for a Greek City State

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Here Are The Best Slang Words From Each US State

Get to gettin' because it's deadass cold outside, y'all.

1. Alabama: "roll tide"

Jimvallee / Getty Images

"I know it's super stereotypical, but we literally say 'roll tide' for everything. It's a term used to greet someone, show agreement, or to show appreciation." —bjlaurasavage

2. Alaska: "lower 48"

Fon_thachakul / Getty Images

"Alaskans refer to the rest of the US as the 'lower 48,' not counting Hawaii." —splishplashrain

3. Arizona: "snowbirds"

Jaflippo / Getty Images

Suggested by sunshinel49d577f6c.

Editor's note: Snowbirds are apparently people who travel to the Phoenix area for warmth during the winter months.

4. Arkansas: "up yonder"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"In Arkansas, we say 'up yonder,' which could mean one mile or 20." —Jeri Dawn Lanenga, Facebook

5. California: "dude"

Chrisboswell / Getty Images

"As a person who has lived in both Northern and Southern California, I can confirm that 'hella' is purely Northern California. But I do think that 'dude' is a universal California slang term." —Janice O

6. Colorado: "fourteener"

Whitneylewisphotography / Getty Images

"For Colorado, it's got to be 'fourteeners' or 'doing a fourteener.' AKA a hike that takes you to 14,000 feet." —elleh400b602e8

7. Connecticut: "packy store"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"In Connecticut, we call beer/liquor stores 'package stores,' and it confuses pretty much everyone outside of the state. During prohibition, you'd go to get bootleg booze at a package store where they'd wrap it up for you, so as not to be too conspicuous." —bootiej

8. Delaware: "jeet"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"In northern Delaware (and Philly), we say, 'jeet,' which means 'did you eat?' We all kinda run it together fast." —morganm46bf64fe2

9. Florida: "green"

Pgiam / Getty Images

"We describe someone as 'flaw' or 'green' when they do something messed up. Like, 'that's flaw AF' or 'you greeeeen.'" —ummmceline

10. Georgia: "get to gettin'"

Benkrut / Getty Images

"'Get to gettin',' which means it's time to leave or go." —kellydunn060293

11. Hawaii: "da kine"

Mccaig / Getty Images

"It's a universal term for describing something, especially if you can't remember the name of it. 'Where's my wallet?' 'It's on da kine *points to table*.'" —nessaw408cdcc02

12. Idaho: "rig"

Jmoor17 / Getty Images

"A 'rig' is the word for basically any personal vehicle larger than a sedan, especially a large truck or SUV." — KellyLizzyLucky

13. Illinois: "gym shoes"

Benkrut / Getty Images

"I'm not sure if this is specific to Chicagoans (or Illinoisans), but I was recently told that 'gym shoes' is not a universal thing. Like, everyone else calls them sneakers or something and I don't think I've ever used the word 'sneakers' in my life before just now. It's the shoes you wear in gym. Gym shoes." —michellesk

14. Indiana: "sweeper"

Davel5957 / Getty Images

"We call vacuum cleaners 'sweepers.' Ex: 'I need to sweep the house' (but with a vacuum)." —Lara Parker

15. Iowa: "padiddle"

Benkrut / Getty Images

"'Padiddle' is what you yell when you see a car with one working headlight...then you promptly slap the roof of your car." —cmpb

16. Kansas: "ornery"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"In Kansas, some people use the word 'ornery' to describe a troublemaker or curious kid/old person. Pronounced 'awwn-ree.'" —cheerfulk

17. Kentucky: "coke"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"In Kentucky, all soft drinks/sodas are coke. 'What kind of coke do you want?' 'Umm a Dr. Pepper.' What if you actually want a coke, you ask? Then you call it 'regular coke.'" —baileyh4

18. Louisiana: "cher"

Grandriver / Getty Images

"In Louisiana, 'cher' — pronounced, and sometimes written, as 'sha' — which means 'cute' or something endearing. Common use is 'cher bebe,' meaning, 'what a cute baby.' It originated from Cajun French." —laurenandersona

19. Maine: "ayuh"

Denistangneyjr / Getty Images

20. Maryland: "sice"

Traveler1116 / Getty Images

"It means someone exaggerated something or you want someone to get you something: 'She siced it' or 'Hey, can you sice me that?'" —ashleyk448a25a3e

21. Massachusetts: "wicked"

Jill_inspiredbydesign / Getty Images

"In Massachusetts, we say 'wicked.' It's synonymous with 'very.' Ex: 'Going to the Red Sox game yesterday was wicked fun!'" —nicolef4b06f8aa9

22. Michigan: "pop"

Benkrut / Getty Images

23. Minnesota: "ohfer"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"'Ohfer' is literally 'oh for,' as in 'Oh, for heaven's sakes.' We use it all the time with almost anything, especially as a way to emphasize what we're trying to say: 'Ohfer silly,' 'Ohfer stupid,' 'Ohfer nice,' 'Ohfer sure.'" —saramariem2

24. Mississippi: "bless your heart"

Tiago_fernandez / Getty Images

"In Mississippi, 'bless your/his/her/their heart' means 'fuck you/him/her/them.'" —Nathan

25. Missouri: "hoosier"

Fotoguy22 / Getty Images

26. Montana: "whiskey ditch"

Wellesenterprises / Getty Images

"Instead of ordering a 'whiskey and water,' we say 'whiskey ditch.'" —LalaLea

27. Nebraska: "you betcha"

Jmoor17 / Getty Images

"Nebraskans, when experiencing something good, are fond of declaring, 'You betcha!' So, the player hits a three-pointer, and the crowd roars, 'Youuuuuuuu betcha!'" —rbmagee

28. Nevada: "for sure"

Toddtaulman / Getty Images

29. New Hampshire: "wicked"

Jill_inspiredbydesign / Getty Images

"In New Hampshire, and pretty much all of New England, we say, 'wicked' when something is really good or awesome." —j4b7652776

30. New Jersey: "down the shore"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"In New Jersey, we refer to the beach as 'down the shore,' which basically refers to every beach in South Jersey, including Long Branch, Lavallette, Long Beach Island, etc." —miagg7

31. New Mexico: "all"

Vallariee / Getty Images

"In New Mexico, we say 'all' instead of words like 'very,' like 'It's all hot today' or 'He was all mad yesterday.' We also end questions with 'or no?' or 'or what?' Like, 'Do you want to eat, or no?'" —Lauren Bustamante, Facebook

32. New York: "deadass"

Littleny / Getty Images

"In New York, we say 'deadass' a lot. It can be a question, a confirmation, or it can be used to to describe the severity of something." —darwinramonj

33. North Carolina: "yonder"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"In North Carolina, we refer to a place as 'yonder.' It can mean across the street or across town." —lawrenm

34. North Dakota: "uff da"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"'We use 'uff da' whenever you're exasperated or surprised or upset." —l44fdcf901

35. Ohio: "please"

Fotoguy22 / Getty Images

"We like to say 'please.' So, for example, if someone says something and you don't hear them clearly, you say, 'please?'" —Holly Williams, Facebook

36. Oklahoma: "fixin' to"

Jmoor17 / Getty Images

"'Fixin' to,' which means 'getting ready to.'" —hollyb417bfee54

37. Oregon: "the coast"

Chrisboswell / Getty Images

"We refer to the beach as 'the coast.'" —adamjunrein

38. Pennsylvania: "jagoff"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"'Jagoff,' which pretty much means a douchebag." —Vermor

39. Rhode Island: "bubbler"

Fotoguy22 / Getty Images

"I'm from Rhode Island, and we say 'bubbler' instead of 'water fountain.' I wasn't aware that wasn't the term outside of New England until I met my friend from Florida." —mikaylao468049aed

40. South Carolina: "might could"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"I hear a lot of South Carolinians say 'might could' instead of just 'could.' As in, 'We might could do that, if you want to.'" —Beth White, Facebook

41. South Dakota: "taverns"

Frozenshutter / Getty Images

"In South Dakota, sloppy joes are called 'taverns.'" —lisl

42. Tennessee: "buggy"

Fotoguy22 / Getty Images

"In Tennessee, we say 'buggy' instead of 'shopping cart.' All of my friends in other (even southern) states make fun of me for it, but it's the norm here." —trilbyy

43. Texas: "y'all'd've"

Dszc / Getty Images

"My personal favorite: 'Y'all'd've' = 'You all would have.' As in, 'Y'all'd've loved the movie last night.'" —Lauren Balentine, Facebook

44. Utah: "sluff"

Andreykrav / Getty Images

"In Utah, instead of saying you skipped class, you say I 'sluffed' class. I don't know where it came from, but that's all any of us say." —izzyfergie

45. Vermont: "creemee"

Rabbit75_ist / Getty Images

"In Vermont, a soft serve is known as a 'creemee.'" —gms802

46. Virginia: "brick"

Wellesenterprises / Getty Images

"'Brick' means a long time, far away, etc. Ex: 'I haven't seen you in a brick.'" —emmaa49af86d46

47. Washington: "hella"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"'Hella' is a Washington word!" —esahul

48. West Virginia: "holler"

Lady-photo / Getty Images

"Everyone in West Virginia calls roads 'hollers.' As in, 'We're gonna run up the holler to Tudor's.'" —alainamariea

49. Wisconsin: "bubbler"

Csfotoimages / Getty Images

"In Wisconsin, a water/drinking fountain is called a 'bubbler.'" —radiofreehayden

50. Wyoming: "barking squirrels"

Wellesenterprises / Getty Images

Editor's note: Well, no one submitted anything for Wyoming, so I looked it up and apparently prairie dogs are referred to as "barking squirrels" there. So there's that.

And, finally, because I don't want "ope" to feel left out, here are all the states that use that word...a lot:

Iiierlok_xolms / Getty Images

...and "Y'all":

Negoworks / Getty Images

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What Is Another Word for a Greek City State
