Here Are The Best Slang Words From Each US State
Get to gettin' because it's deadass cold outside, y'all.
1. Alabama: "roll tide"
2. Alaska: "lower 48"
3. Arizona: "snowbirds"
4. Arkansas: "up yonder"
5. California: "dude"
6. Colorado: "fourteener"
7. Connecticut: "packy store"
8. Delaware: "jeet"
9. Florida: "green"
10. Georgia: "get to gettin'"
11. Hawaii: "da kine"
12. Idaho: "rig"
13. Illinois: "gym shoes"
14. Indiana: "sweeper"
15. Iowa: "padiddle"
16. Kansas: "ornery"
17. Kentucky: "coke"
18. Louisiana: "cher"
19. Maine: "ayuh"
20. Maryland: "sice"
21. Massachusetts: "wicked"
23. Minnesota: "ohfer"
24. Mississippi: "bless your heart"
26. Montana: "whiskey ditch"
27. Nebraska: "you betcha"
28. Nevada: "for sure"
29. New Hampshire: "wicked"
30. New Jersey: "down the shore"
31. New Mexico: "all"
32. New York: "deadass"
33. North Carolina: "yonder"
34. North Dakota: "uff da"
35. Ohio: "please"
36. Oklahoma: "fixin' to"
37. Oregon: "the coast"
38. Pennsylvania: "jagoff"
39. Rhode Island: "bubbler"
40. South Carolina: "might could"
41. South Dakota: "taverns"
42. Tennessee: "buggy"
43. Texas: "y'all'd've"
44. Utah: "sluff"
45. Vermont: "creemee"
46. Virginia: "brick"
47. Washington: "hella"
48. West Virginia: "holler"
49. Wisconsin: "bubbler"
50. Wyoming: "barking squirrels"
And, finally, because I don't want "ope" to feel left out, here are all the states that use that word...a lot:
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