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Honeywell Inc Integrated Risk Management Case Solution

Zane Baity International Finance and Risk Management – MIM 2019 ESMT Berlin

1. What are the objectives of Honeywell's new risk management program?

The main objectives of Honeywell's new risk management program are as follows

a. The new Honeywell's new risk management protects against Honeywell's currency risk along with other,

more traditionally insurable risks, in a multiyear, insurance based, integrated risk management program.

b. The integrated risk management program or enterprise risk management would extend to cover all of

Honeywell's financial and operational risks; besides, it would establish Honeywell 's risk management

strategy for some years to come.

c. It aims to reduce cost by changing the retention method to the aggregate one for $30 million, this will lead

to reduction of the claim cost, including the premium cost that reduces up to 20%.

d. Presumably, Honeywell' s new risk management wants to reduce loss volatility . It can be tackled from a

number of different angles, one of them is via insurance with various retention level s and in this case, they

do it thr ough insurance. Claims can experience two kinds of volatility, in order to shield themselves from

volatility causing claims to increase unmanageable levels, companies usually purchase insurance plan wi th

a typically static retention level. In the new risk management program, they changed their retention level

from per occurrence to Aggregate.

2. Consider the proposed insurance contract that covers both currency and insurance risk. Aside from the

specific risks covered by the proposed contract, does it differ in other ways from Honeywell's old policy?

Yes, it is. The switch of retention level le ads to a better protection shield for any incurred loss faced by

Honeywell. As far as I understand, the retention level influences cu mulative loss amount at the end. For instance,

in the table below, I took an example for Auto risk from Exhibit 8 in the Study Case. The existing risk management

program, example 1, has per occurrence ret ention limit with the amount 3 million, so every loss/claim above 3

million will be steady at 3 million ( highlighted in red). The retention policy of 3 million will be in the same state until

it reaches maximum coverage.

The new integrated risk management system will be using aggregate retention , example 2, it works

similarly to per occurrence re tentions, but instead of limiting each loss/claim, the company decide s a total incurred

loss amount per policy period that they do not wish to pay more. As we can see, the company will stop to underwrite

the claim/loss when the cumulative retention reaches the aggregate retention or 30 million, albeit the company still

have several losses after it reaches 30 million. The aggregate retention of 30 million will be steady until it extends

the coverage limit.

Conclusion: Another distinction between existing policy and the proposed policy is the amount of the incurred

losses/claims that the company has to underwrite. As we see, under per occurrence retention level, with the same

number of losses, the company needs to pay for 44 million, meanwhile the aggregate retention reduced the total

losses retaine d by 14 million (44 million – 30 million).

Honeywell Inc Integrated Risk Management Case Solution
